Friday, August 31, 2012

We Made It

We made it out to the island after a very uneventful (but beautiful) flight. Last night was a frenzy of exploration and unpacking, with a warm welcome from the community in the form of a potluck.

So much to write about, but for now, I'll share some pictures.

Our first glimpse of islands... not actually our island, but some neighbors.

I'm pretty sure this is Kasatochi Island, a volcanic island that erupted in 2008, and is currently inactive. It is very close to us. Another neighboring volcano, Little Sitkin, is on eruption watch this weekend.

Our new home! The pile of stuff outside is about a quarter of what we brought. Most of our totes and other shipments-- including the husband's dipnet and fishing poles-- have arrived, though I am waiting on one more tote. I am extra anxious about it, because it has a jug of maple syrup... hoping it hasn't gotten knocked around too much.

After we got our bags into the house, we went for a walk up towards the beach. I'm excited to show you more pictures of the island soon. Above is the old landfill, which is quite nicely covered over now (though I imagine still off limits). Below is one of the beaches, with gorgeous soft sand and gentle, but very cold, waves.

On our way back, we saw the plane taking off. It was quite a feeling to watch it fly away, knowing that it won't be back until Sunday at the earliest. We're here, and we're not leaving anytime soon.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Please do come visit. We'd be glad to have you!

  2. Looking forward to an update!

    1. Thanks for reading! We had some connectivity issues out here (related either to an earthquake or the storm that's been flirting with the island over the last few days), but seem to be back online at the moment. So there are two more posts waiting for you!

  3. When I first heard about your plan, my reaction was, "Why in the world?" But you know, in the meantime, I've come full circle. Is there a job for Doug out there? We could bring more maple syrup...

    (If you are confused, ask Ivan who we are. Looking forward to reading all about your adventure! Best, Claudia)

    1. I do believe there's a law enforcement post available-- I'm sure that justice sector strengthening could be massaged to fit the bill?

      I do indeed know who you are, and am tickled that you're reading! Love your blog, too-- fantastic pictures and adventures. As you may know, I was working in Doug's field until recently, though in a much less interesting capacity. Isn't it such a small world?



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